VennMaker 2.0.3
Download full version of VennMaker.
For Linux, Mac OS X or Windows: Download VennMaker (zip archiv)
- Extract the downloaded zip file to your computer.
- Open the VennMaker folder and start VennMaker: If you use Windows: execute vennmaker-windows.exe. If you use an other operation system: start vennmaker.jar (from the terminal or console: java -jar vennmaker.jar)
To start VennMaker, you need the current version of Java.
Tutorials and handbook: documents.
Source code: github
To cite VennMaker please use the following publication:
Gamper, M., Schönhuth, M., & Kronenwett, M. (2012). Bringing qualitative and quantitative data together: Collecting network data with the help of the software tool VennMaker. In Social networking and community behavior modeling: Qualitative and quantitative measures (pp. 193-213). IGI Global.
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VennMaker 2.0.1:
Bug fix:
- Namegenerator: Number of max. allowed alteri: calculation changed
- Nameinterpreter: radiobox table scrolling problem fixed
- Config dialog: sector and circle attribute list contains an empty row: fixed
- Filter in interview mode fixed
- Small font size bug: VennMaker Menu font size can be changed in Free network drawing mode > menu: About > Set global font size
VennMaker 2.0.0:
Bug fix: Null pointer exceptions
VennMaker: Full version is now for free
VennMaker 1.5.9:
Bug fix:
- CSV export: When a malformed attribute was used, then the export did not work.
VennMaker 1.5.8:
Bug fix:
- Configuration: Relation visualization: Adding relational attribute values can cause an error
- Configuration: Reopend config dialog: changed sector sizes will not displayed again
VennMaker 1.5.7:
Bug fix:
- Configuration dialog: Sector attribute values could not be changed correctly
VennMaker 1.5.6:
Bug fix:
- Template loading: Sometimes the relation color, thickness or pattern could not be loaded
VennMaker 1.5.5:
Bug fixing:
- Configuration dialog: Sometimes the relation color, thickness or pattern could not be changed
VennMaker 1.5.4:
Bug fixing:
- Configuration dialog: Null pointer exceptions fixed
VennMaker 1.5.3:
Bug fixing:
- Interview mode: Ego questions: If long answer text were used, it happend that the text were not shown.
VennMaker 1.5.2:
Bug fixing:
- Configuration: If the attribute values of an attributsymbol attribut was deleted, an error occurred sometimes.
- VennMaker Hist Modul: Creating relations with the relation dialog produced an error message.
VennMaker 1.5.1:
Bug fixing:
- Interview element: Some elements didn’t correctly display some characters (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic or Chinese)
VennMaker 1.5.0:
Bug fixing:
- Relation group data export as csv matrix file: sometimes the matrix was defect
- Config dialog: removing attributes caused sometime an error messages.
New features:
- Add new functions with the help of modules
- Example: add geographical maps and coordinates (latitude/longitude) via plugin
VennMaker 1.4.0:
Bug fixing:
- Relation color adjustment problem fixed
- Interview dialog: some display errors fixed
- Adding existing actors in a cloned network map causing somtimes an error
- Compute dialog: missing calculation of the frequency of actors per sector and concentric circles repaired.
New features:
- Automatically adding actor to the related sector and concentric circle
- Image export (jpg/png/svg) improved
VennMaker 1.3.6:
Bug fix:
- Configuration dialog contains some bugs
- Digital questionnaire contains some bugs
New features:
- Save URLs in free answer attributes and open the URLs directly in the browser
- Legend: single visual elements can be shown or hidden
VennMaker 1.3.5:
Bug fix:
- Actor Pie: sometimes the attribute was wrong
- Export: Proximity prestige: sometimes the results was wrong
- Clone network dialog: cancel button did not function correctly
- Interview element: relation: Some modifications did not function correctly
- Sometimes VennMaker did not start
- Filter: Some error occures depending on the filter setting
- Sometimes the templates did not load correctly
New features:
- Interview element: a global minium number of alteri can be defined
- Interview element: a global maximum number of alteri can be defined
- Interview element: switch to network and auto draw element: VennMaker automatically draw the network after automatically switching to the network map
- Compute dialog: the frequency of all relational and categorical attribute values will be computed now
- Error dialog: Contains a additional input field for writing additional error descriptions for the software developer
- The network visualizing time increased
- Two additional mouse cursor symbols: one for „draw actor“ and one for „draw relation“
VennMaker 1.3.2:
Bug fix:
- Modifying the relational attribute values had no effect on the relation color, thickness or dashing
- Creating network maps with the same names
- Time measurment for the interview mode implemented
VennMaker 1.3.1:
Bug fix:
- The switch between the questionnaire items did not work correctly.
VennMaker 1.3.0
- New features: displaying relational attributes and values as line labeling or tool tip new questionnaire mode:
- different types of name generators elements
- different types of name interpreters elements
- control the interview sequence with attribute filters
- collecting relational data
- different types of questionnaire elements for ego, alter, relations and meta elements
- separate files for the configuration (template) and the interview data
- all relations can be displayed and edited in a relation table
- the network data can be exported as a pajek net file
- the user can add notes to each network map
- a new start dialog added
- a new menu language added: French
VennMaker 1.2.8:
Bug fix:
- Clicking on the windows close button caused sometimes a save error.
VennMaker 1.2.7:
- Create new actors directly via the actor table
- Perform Interview: Items will be display in full screen mode
Bug fix:
- Perform Interview: directed relations will be displayed as arrows again
- Perform Interview: name interpretator and matrix: free answer for each actor is now possible
- Perform Interview: name interpretator and matrix: scroll function implemented
VennMaker 1.2.6:
Bug fix:
- Import of actors caused an error
VennMaker 1.2.5:
Bug fix:
- If in an interview sectors were used, then this caused an error.
VennMaker 1.2.4:
Bug fix:
- Automatic saving at the end of an interview Import of actors with predefined attribute values
- Backgroundimage will also be saved in the project
VennMaker 1.2.3
Bug fix:
- cloning a network map with an active filter
- Compute dialogue contains the correct sector names
- Wrong direction of the concentric circle labels fixed
- adding new relational attribute values is now possible
- Interview configuration: the relation configuration is now loadable
- symbol size: deleting attribute values is now possible
- relation thickness and relation dashing: only the values of the selected attribute will be displayed
- After cloning a network map, the attribute values can be changed via the sectors
- New feature: the relation group can be renamed
VennMaker 1.2
Bug fix:
- Increased compatibility with older venn-files
- Configure-interview could not be performed correctly
- Interview file could not be loaded
- Move the network map-tab caused error
- Mac version was not up to date
- Changes in the configure dialogue were not accepted in part
- The removal of all types of attributes led to an error
- The removal of the default value sign led to an error
- Sectors have been shown in legend, even if no attribute defined for this
- Number of different relations are now exported to matrix file
- Changes in symbol size were not always taken
- New features: Chinese language support
- Audio files can be exported
- Preview of the relation thickness
- Arrangement of attribute values with drag and drop
- Attribute values can be displayed in the tooltip
- Attribute values can be displayed to the actor name